
How To Take Keys Away From Elderly Driver

For many of us, our parents actually taught us to drive — from sitting in the car and learning how to adjust the mirrors, to puttering effectually in a parking lot or similar location trying to avoid obstacles and learning the ropes.

Just every bit our parents and loved ones age, their ability to bulldoze safely deteriorates, and of a sudden we're reversing roles. It can be a tough conversation to have.

For many older Americans, driving equals independence. Do they really pose a threat? The statistics tell a cautionary story, only every situation is unique. What are the telltale signs that yous are too old to drive? And how do y'all tell an elderly person to stop driving, or that they can't drive anymore?

I'thousand going to arm y'all with the data you demand to have that talk.

Statistical Reasons Why Some of the Elderly Should Not Bulldoze (Or Should Drive Less)

Every bit you lot might look, there are many studies and mountains of information surrounding the driving habits of our senior citizens. The key, as always, is to empathize that every person is unique, and equally such, each person should be measured by their ain ability.

Generally speaking, though, the senior driving statistics send a adequately clear message.

There Are More Senior Drivers on the Route Than Always Earlier

Co-ordinate to Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) data, there were more than than 45 1000000 licensed drivers anile 65 and older in 2018 — a 60% increase from the twelvemonth 2000. Most viii,000 people in the babe boom generation turn 65 every day, and by 2030, there volition be more than than 70 1000000 people age 65 or over, and 85% to 90% will be licensed to bulldoze!

Seniors Drive Fewer Miles, Only Accept College Accident and Injury Rates

Based on travel data from the FHWA obtained by the Insurance Establish for Highway Rubber (IIHS), seniors drive fewer miles than boilerplate, but those miles are increasing. On boilerplate, drivers aged 70 and older drove 43% fewer miles than those aged 35 to 54. Just, according to data from 1996-2016, the mileage driven by seniors increased 65%.

So, senior drivers even so drive less than near, but they're driving farther each year.

Older drivers tend to have lower numbers of crashes, simply that correlates to driving fewer miles. If you find the number of crashes and injuries per mile traveled, the numbers tell a dissimilar story.

Elderly driving safe statistically begins to turn down at nigh age seventy. From that point on, the risk per mile traveled increases. Information technology doesn't assistance that, co-ordinate to research, older drivers (like many other low-mileage drivers) tend to practise much of their driving in cities, where accidents are more than common than on highways — which are often divided, multi-lane roads.

Aging Drivers Are at Increased Chance of Injury in an Accident

The older nosotros get, the more fragile our bodies become. Fragility begins in middle age and increases as we get older. The rate of fatalities among older drivers involved in wrecks begins to sharply increase between ages 65 and 69. In terms of fatalities, older drivers are typically a larger danger to themselves or their passengers (who are as well generally older), and they can be more susceptible to serious injuries in the event of a wreck.

"In 2019, 73% of people killed in crashes involving drivers 70 or older were either the older drivers themselves (59%) or their older passengers (fourteen%)." – Data from the IIHS

Behind the Stats and the Risks Inherent to "Old People Driving"

I dislike that term — "old people." I'd like to believe that 50 is the new forty, and so on. Healthy people tin live a long time and function at a very high level. The risks, all the same, are the same. Some people simply have fewer of them. At present consider this:

According to a AAA study, seniors are outliving their power to drive safely by an average of 7 to 10 years. Essentially, our ability to drive safely does not coincide with our power to live longer. So what are the signs you are likewise old to drive?

Concrete Limitations for Elderly Drivers

Concrete abilities naturally pass up as nosotros historic period. Our reaction fourth dimension slows. Coordination suffers. The nearly unsafe physical change, nonetheless, may be what happens to our vision.

According to a study past the American Foundation for the Bullheaded (AFB), when compared to Americans 18 to 44 years of age, Americans 65 to 74 years of historic period were more than twice every bit probable to report vision loss, and those 75 years old and over were nearly 3 times as likely. Does your senior loved one wear corrective lenses? When was the last fourth dimension that prescription was updated?

Here's why I asked: In a nationally representative report of serious U.S. crashes, the about frequent mistake made by drivers ages 70 and older was "inadequate surveillance," much of which depends on visual ability. Causes included "looking but not seeing" and "failing to look." Drivers ages 70 and older were statistically more than likely than drivers ages 35 to 54 to make inadequate surveillance errors or to misjudge the length of a gap betwixt vehicles or another vehicle'southward speed.

Vision, or lack thereof, plays a prominent role in these accidents.

Mental Limitations for Elderly Drivers

Part of our ability to react to a situation is our power to quickly diagnose what'southward happening. Cognitive decline is a fact of life. Some people experience a sharper refuse than others, and at different ages. In the "inadequate surveillance" example above, a cognitive issue tin easily contribute. The more take chances factors at that place are, the higher the overall risk.

Being able to run into what'south happening is the first step, but analyzing the state of affairs is next. What happens when there'southward a lot going on and your ability to pay attention to your surroundings is impaired? For example, drivers 80 and older were twice equally likely as drivers aged xvi to 59 to be involved in fatal multi-vehicle crashes at intersections. The most mutual error almost seniors make that causes crashes? Failure to yield the correct-of-style — an error for which seniors are cited more ofttimes than teens.

According to enquiry, nearly xx% to 25% of Americans over age 65 accept some level of mild cerebral damage — that is, problems with retentiveness, decision-making, or thinking skills.

Medical Limitations for Elderly Drivers

Above and beyond the physical and mental aspects of driving that senior drivers must account for, at that place are the medical conditions and everything that goes with them. This is more than reduced reaction fourth dimension or slowed mental processing: We're talking most diagnosed medical conditions.

Here are just a few that can affect an older commuter:

  • Arthritis: Half of Americans over historic period 65 suffer from some course of arthritis. It'southward more than than just pain for many, and the inability to move or manipulate tin can seriously reduce driving safety.
  • Cataracts: These bear on more than 90% of those aged 65 or over, and crusade at least some vision loss in one-half of those over age 75. Anything that affects eyesight poses a serious risk. This is over and above the natural macular degeneration that affects our vision every bit nosotros age.
  • Diabetes: More than 26% of Americans over age 65 have some form of diabetes, which can contribute to vision bug and cause nerve damage, among many other risks. There are too physical furnishings of blood carbohydrate levels to consider.
  • Dementia or Alzheimer's Disease: More than eleven% of those age 65 and older have Alzheimer'south or dementia, which are peradventure the most limiting of cognitive conditions. It's important to monitor cerebral wellness, every bit this kind of condition can crusade varying rates and degrees of deterioration.

Medication Use and Impaired Driving in Seniors

Generally speaking, older drivers are more cautious, and many self-limit their driving very responsibly. There are plenty of examples, however, of seniors under the influence of medications causing accidents. People aged 65 and older account for 12% of the population, but 34% of prescription drug use.

According to information from a AAA study, about one-half of older drivers surveyed were taking 7 or more medications. A quarter said they were taking 11 or more. Nearly 20% were taking medications that the American Geriatric Guild labeled as "potentially inappropriate medications" shown to cause impairments such every bit blurry vision, reduced coordination, defoliation, or fatigue. These medications can enhance the chance of a wreck by up to 30%.

If your older loved one is taking medications every bit many older Americans do, talk to them and their physicians near the risks those medications pose while driving, and inquire about how drug interaction may touch on a senior'south power to drive safely.

What Are Some Warning Signs a Senior Should End Driving?

Direct observation would tell you a lot, but you'd need to exist riding along with them. Any of the risks we've already discussed could be grounds to accept the keys, but information technology's not that simple. Just because someone is at risk doesn't ways they're a risk.

Here are a few things yous might come across that would point your older loved 1 may need to hand over the keys:

  • Stopping at a dark-green light, or when there is no end sign
  • Running through blood-red lights or stop signs
  • Existence dislocated by or misinterpreting traffic signals
  • Getting lost on familiar roads
  • Condign distracted easily
  • Striking other cars or fixed objects when parking, and parking poorly
  • Failing to yield or react to other drivers or driving weather properly
  • Confusing destinations, such as setting out to go somewhere and ending up somewhere else
  • Hearing virtually unsafe driving from friends or neighbors who take observed them
  • Receiving warnings or citations from law enforcement for poor driving

Consider your own independence importance when considering if aging loved one should stop driving

Taking Away the Automobile Keys: Suggestions for Caregivers and Family Members

Caregivers and family members who want to take abroad the auto keys should assemble the facts and come up upwardly with a program, seek alternatives to driving that still back up an independent lifestyle, and exist prepared to follow through.

Before you take activeness, still, sympathise that this does not have to be an all or zilch approach. Your senior may not need to stop driving cold turkey. Information technology will be easier to phase out driving over time than to just stop. Well-nigh seniors are already limiting their driving. Yous simply need to keep that behavior.

Go on in mind that losing the power to bulldoze is a huge fear for many seniors. It is a tangible loss of independence and can come up with a bewildering number of different emotions and questions. Am I becoming a burden? Am I really a danger on the route? How will I go places? Am I going to be stuck at home?

In other words, they may fear both the loss of driving and making a mistake by continuing to bulldoze. Every situation and senior is different. Approach this all with compassion by taking three key steps: gather facts, seek alternatives, and be prepared.

Gather Facts

Head as many objections every bit possible off at the pass before y'all e'er sit down downwards to talk. Beginning by gathering whatever you can that may support a change in your senior loved one's driving habits. Have they displayed whatsoever of the alert signs? Has their health declined noticeably recently in a manner that would affect them on the road? Yous're not looking for a reason to take their keys — you're looking for a reason they should give those keys to you lot.

Often, when presented with testify that they may be a danger on the road, seniors voluntarily hand over the keys. If yous're non prepared or in position to take the keys and they refuse to requite them up, suggest a neutral third party analysis.

For example, did you know that there are driving rehabilitation specialists available that will cheque your driving skills? Occupational therapists can do the same. Who knows, y'all may get an all clear. Plus, some car insurance companies may lower your bill if you take and laissez passer a driver improvement course. Here are two resources to find driver courses near yous: Senior Driver Safety & Mobility fromAAA, and Driving Assessment resource from AARP. You can also cheque with the car insurance company.

Seek Alternatives

Rightfully, many seniors worry that once they end driving, they're homebound. But communities across the nation are offering more of a variety of ways to become around without having to drive.

Here are merely a few ideas:

  • Await into free or inexpensive bus or taxi services for seniors.
  • Arrange carpool services for doc'southward visits, grocery shopping, the mall, hair appointments.
  • Enquire religious and community service groups, which may take volunteers on call who offer transportation to seniors.
  • Sign upward for car or driver services, which may be affordable for seniors no longer paying for car insurance, maintenance, gas and other automobile incidentals.
  • Offering to pay friends or family members to drive — it could be the first of more meaningful relationships.

You can also find transportation services in your area by calling 1-800-677-1116, or visiteldercare.acl.govto find your nearest Area Agency on Crumbling.

Exist Prepared

You already take a wealth of information y'all tin share with your senior loved one, but this could exist a very emotional conversation. They may get defensive, and information technology's difficult to come upwardly with a rational solution when someone is feeling attacked.

For that reason, when you choose to have the conversation, determine how you lot will initiate it and the words you will use alee of time. Don't "deadfall" them, and you may not even want to initiate directly afterward a driving mistake (when they're likely already feeling ashamed or defensive). Consider doing it after a meal, during a commercial suspension, or whenever they're in the mood to chat.

Equally we stated upfront, this need not be all-or-zero. Accept a plan in listen that includes perhaps keeping the senior behind the wheel but in a limited capacity, like driving simply during the day and merely to familiar places. Appoint a local senior center or quango on aging. These facilities are typically equipped to assist with rides and to help caregivers deal with the question of whether seniors should cease driving.

Also of import is for family members, friends, and caregivers to think that a senior's ceasing to bulldoze could upshot in additional responsibilities for them, like providing rides for the senior and spending more than time with them. Help set up these alternatives for them.

What if My Older Loved One Refuses to Stop Driving (Even Though They Should)?

This is the near difficult situation of all. They may non volunteer for a examination, and their physicians may be hesitant to order them to stop driving (and even then, would they?). You may or may non feel comfortable taking the keys away, and if you lot practise so, know that there could be consequences outside of family drama.

For instance, if your senior is the owner of their vehicle, pays insurance, and and then on, then taking their keys could come up with some legal headaches (which we're trying to avert, later all). Without proper documentation of conditions that should keep them off the road, you could find yourself in a legal bind. Hither are some ways you can go about getting the keys (hopefully without the legal drama).

Consult Their Physician or Eye Physician

Approach your elder's dr., optometrist, or ophthalmologist and bring whatsoever evidence of dangerous driving with you lot. This assumes your senior likes and respects the opinion of their medical providers. Sometimes, a md can have the "driving" conversation and do so from a position of authority — something you may not have in your senior's optics.

A doctor may be able to provide you lot with a medical status report or visual test issue that you can have to the DMV, as I volition discuss further below.

Appoint an Elder Law Attorney

If your loved one has an estate plan, or uses an attorney, y'all may want to approach them about the situation. If the medical professionals cannot help, or if your loved 1 refuses to consider those opinions, an elder law chaser may exist the last harbinger to changing their minds. Make an appointment.

The attorney could ask a number of questions most what might happen to their estate or finances in the event of an accident. Almost seniors tend to exist conservative and risk averse when it comes to finances. Mayhap your loved one is frugal and concerned with what they're leaving their children and grandchildren, especially on a fixed income. These questions could open their optics and ease their grip on the keys.

Head to the DMV

When is an elderly commuter's license revoked? Does the DMV test for seniors? At what age do they take your driver's license away? Information technology would be like shooting fish in a barrel if the DMV simply told your aging loved 1 they could no longer drive. The problem is that the rules are different for dissimilar states.

Note that none of the states automatically revoke a driver'southward license based on age alone. In some states, when you turn a certain age, the required time between renewals is shortened, and a visual examination may be required.

You tin meet your country's license renewal requirements (and notation that the pandemic may have tweaked these rules slightly). Here are the requirements for Due north and South Carolina every bit of September 2021, courtesy of the IIHS:

Generally drivers' licenses in NC & SC are renewed every 8 years with proof of adequate vision.

Offer Tips for Safer Driving

Offer your senior loved 1 some tips on staying safe on the road. There are lots of lists you tin find with a cursory online search, only hither are some of our favorites:

  • Silence your jail cell telephone! Nobody should be interacting with their telephone while driving, specially seniors. If yous must use the phone, await until you achieve your destination, or park somewhere safe to employ it.
  • Don't eat while driving. Seniors are already dealing with a natural decline in coordination. Calculation a repast behind the wheel is a recipe for disaster.
  • Never drive dumb. It's easy to say you shouldn't drink and bulldoze, and virtually seniors wouldn't. Still, it'south of import to remember that many medications tin can impair your ability to drive. Consult with your doctor and make certain you lot're 100% focused behind the wheel.
  • Sentinel the road and your mirrors. This may seem basic, but equally visual power naturally worsens over time, it's even more than of import to stay disciplined when driving. Know what's going on around you and if something doesn't feel right, pull over for a few minutes.
  • Avoid night driving and bad weather. Anything that reduces visibility is a hint non to bulldoze. Driving in bad weather is a double whammy – it reduces visibility while also making the road more dangerous.
  • Choose safer routes and drive times. If you can avert decorated intersections, hectic on-ramps, or crowded roads, do it! Have the dorsum road or maybe fifty-fifty a slightly longer route to avoid those hazards. Also, try to bulldoze when there are fewer cars on the road. Avoid blitz 60 minutes, for example.
  • Don't drive if you're feeling tired or stressed. They may seem quite different but they can have the same outcome – reducing the mental horsepower you tin dedicate to the act of driving.

Can't I Just Report My Elderly Driver to the Government?

You lot can file a report with the DMV virtually an unsafe commuter, merely the requirements for those reports vary. For example, in N Carolina, you cannot file that report (or complaint) anonymously, and avant-garde age cannot be the sole reason for a medical examination according to the North Carolina Section of Motor Vehicles.

As mentioned earlier, documentation from a medical professional could come in handy here. Bank check the local DMV rules where you alive, equally they will all have a process for reporting a dangerous commuter or requesting a medical evaluation.

Also, exist enlightened that this may be a genie that won't become back into the lamp: once your loved one is determined to be incapable of driving by the state, it would be hard to regain that privilege. For this reason, you lot may non want to take this approach if the condition causing their erratic or unsafe driving is or may exist temporary.

Taking the Keys Away From Aging Parents and Loved Ones Is Tough, But Information technology May Save Lives

I promise that this has helped you lot respond some questions and perhaps formulate a plan that volition work for your elderly loved ones. No one wants to exist the "bad guy," and if you approach the conversation properly, no one has to be. These are parents, grandparents, aunts, and uncles. People we dear. Nosotros don't desire to see them unhappy. We want to see them safety, not calling us because they've been hurt out on the road.

At the same time, the roads can be a dangerous identify whether your senior loved 1 is good to drive or not. As auto accident attorneys, nosotros accept seen more than than our fair share of avoidable tragedies. We don't want our aging loved ones to become statistics or to hurt anyone else. I call up that's something we tin can all agree on.


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